

Snowbeard the Winter Pirate 1 New Udemy Course This Fall!  Painting People in Watercolor - taught by me, Kara Skye.   Additional techniques include adding  inks and colored pencils with the watercolor.   It is not a photo realism class, instead think whimsy and experiencing playfulness in painting figure, face, and form.  I hope you'll think about joining me!    Here's my card! Check back here for details end of July or subscribe for automatic updates. Alice and the Space Hares Cold Comfort Springs Mermaid with Sea Dragons


Still drying on the art table are elements to a Modern Farmhouse fabric design.  The normal farmhouse kinds of images like farm animals and fresh eggs are put together with the new - aka modern - bits like galvanized buckets and lots of white shiplap.  A second farm design should be


These designs start with watercolor paintings, and Prismacolor pencil drawings. The designs are turned into fine Spoonflower fabrics with so many textiles to choose from like denim, organic cotton knit, and eco-canvas. I have begun a nature journal collection of designs with botanicals and wildlife motifs, here is what I have been working on. Nature Journal - Summer and Hummingbirds and Orchid Flowers are already for sale in a wide variety of textiles. Nature Journal - Hope Is A Butterfly Garden Hummingbirds and Orchid Flowers Gardening Footprints    Nature Journal - Summer

Favorite Quotes From Famous Authors

"Love what is simple and beautiful. These are the essentials." - Ralph Waldo Emerson “If you are a dreamer come in. If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar, a hoper, a pray-er, a magic-bean-buyer.. If you're a pretender come sit by my fire, for we have flax golden tales to spin If you are a dreamer, Come in!  Come in!”  ―  Shel Silverstein